Aging Well Journal Newsletter – January 2014 – AW Health Care

Happy New Year 2Welcome to the New Year 2014 and the Aging Well Journal Newsletter!

Are you thinking about making some resolutions? You’re never too old to improve! Here are a few ideas to make you healthier in 2014. Try one of these.


Keep Your Brain in Shape

Don’t forget about your brain. Keeping your brain in good health is important. So try more cognitive activities each day in 2014. Cognitive activities include playing games like Scrabble, doing word puzzles, or trivia games. You want to learn to use the Internet!  You can also attend health-topic presentations. AW Health Care offers a monthly topic targeted to your interests. Check the” Important Dates to Remember” in this newsletter and mark your calendar. You will learn new things and make new friends.

Get Some Exercise

When you don’t have anything planned each day, it is very tempting to stay in your pajamas and slippers and let the day slip by. Instead, take a walk or go to an exercise class. Yoga and Tai Chi are good for seniors. You may want to try this with a friend. It’s more fun that way.

Schedule Regular Healthcare Visits

If you have diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, osteoporosis or other common conditions that come with aging, you will lessen the risk of increased illness and complications by talking often with a health professional. Be sure to get an annual check-up even if you feel good. If you notice changes in how you feel don’t hesitate to ask someone. AW Health Care offers a nurse to talk with you and answer your questions and concerns. You can call her at (314) 726-5600!

Volunteer Your Time

There are so many organizations that love volunteers… especially senior volunteers. You can be a greeter, a reader or a driver, or someone who answers the phone or baby-sits at a school, church or other non-profit. You can give of your time and knowledge to benefit others, plus you will feel good about helping someone. Volunteering expands your circle of friends and promotes personal wellness too.


January 20 is Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day is celebrated the third Monday in January. On this day we remember Martin Luther King, who successfully protested racial discrimination through non-violent activism in the 1960’s.

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” MLK


Take Care of your Eyes

Your eyesight is a precious gift. You can help keep your eyes healthy. Here are some things you can do:

Get Regular Eye Exams

If you are over 40, you should have an eye exam each year. Your eye doctor will look for signs of disease:

Macular Degeneration –Deterioration of the part of the retina that processes light

Cataracts – The lens of the eye becomes cloudy

Glaucoma – Pressure in the eye that damages the optic nerve

 Woman w glasses

Eat Right

Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc and vitamins C and E help ward off age-related vision problems. So, eat more green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and collards, salmon, tuna, eggs, nuts, beans and citrus fruits, like oranges. Also keeping your weight down helps avoid Type 2 Diabetes which can develop into blindness.

Stop Smoking

You are more likely to get cataracts, optic nerve damage and macular degeneration if you smoke.

Wear Sunglasses

The right kind of sunglasses will help protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Cataracts and macular degeneration can result from too much UV exposure. Choose sunglasses that block at least 99% of UV rays. Wraparound lenses offer increased protection from the sides and polarized lenses reduce glare.

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