Diabetes: What is it?
Diabetes is a chronic disease in which there is too much sugar in the blood. When you eat, your body turns food into sugars, or glucose. The pancreas, then releases insulin which opens the cells to allow glucose to enter and provide energy. With diabetes, this system does not work!
AW Can Help Manage Your Diabetes
Making healthy food and lifestyle choices is important for people with diabetes. AW can help you with proper meal planning and preparation, including a daily menu and shopping list. Exercise is important too. AW caregivers can provide individualized exercise plans.
AW can also help you monitor your blood sugar with daily blood glucose checks and medication reminders. Some people take oral medications. Others require injections to manage their blood sugar. In either case, AW has the skilled professionals who can provide these services.
Because diabetes can cause complications, special care may be needed when dressing, bathing and caring for the feet. AW can provide this needed care. With treatment and healthy living, many people with diabetes are able to avoid serious complications such as vision loss, nerve damage and high blood pressure.
The Holidays Are Coming
It’s not too soon to start thinking about the winter holidays. Do you enjoy all the preparations, or does the thought give you the cold shivers? Don’t try to do everything yourself. Call AW Health Care. We can send a caregiver to help you with baking, shopping and decorating. If you like to send cards or gifts, AW can help you shop, wrap gifts, and address cards. Our caregivers will take you to the Post Office to mail gifts too, if needed.
November is Peanut Butter Lovers Month!
Do you love peanut butter? Peanut butter is one of America’s favorite foods. Did you know that Americans eat 65 million pounds of peanut butter during the month of November alone? Peanuts are a great way to boost energy and add protein to your diet.
November is National Family Caregivers Month! Give Thanks!
This is the time when we remember the countless hours of service that caregivers provide to aged or disabled family members. So many balance work, family and community responsibilities to provide emotional and physical support for aged loved ones. Thank you!
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